The yawning disparity between the performance of the electric car company and established automakers last year reflects the technological change roiling the industry.

Headlines that Matter for Companies and Executives in Regulated Industries

Beginning January 1, 2022, all state licensed or certified health care facilities and providers must follow extensive rules for providing a “good faith estimate” of health care charges to uninsured and self-pay patients prior to the provision of health care services. 

As expected, on January 1, 2022, the additional Section 232 tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from the European Union (EU) were replaced with a new Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ).  

The United States Supreme Court has granted certiorari to address the important question of whether the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) requires the enforcement of an arbitration agreement that would require representative action claims.

US importers should participate in the Task Force’s comment and hearing process to flag due diligence challenges and formulate the strategy to enforce the import prohibitions.

In March 2020, the Department of Labor issued a rule billed as a measure designed to increase labor union financial transparency.

Amid the holiday cheer this year, you may have noticed longer shipping times and more items out of stock, even as you’ve ordered more online than in the past. Businesses and consumers alike have learned over the past 21 months that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to supply chain bottlenecks.

In a notice issued yesterday in The Atlanta Opera, Inc. 371 NLRB No. 45 (2021), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) invited parties and amici to submit briefs addressing whether the Board should reconsider its standard for determining the independent contractor status of workers.  

The US Supreme Court heard oral argument to decide a circuit split and determine what ERISA requires of ERISA-governed pension plan fiduciaries with respect to investment fees and recordkeeping. A decision is expected in the first half of 2022.

Plaintiffs continue to file website accessibility lawsuits at a rapid pace, but two recent decisions in New York federal court may reduce certain types of filings in that forum.

Last week, we reported on the District of Columbia’s newly-announced requirement that certain indoor facilities verify that patrons, ages 12 and over, are vaccinated against COVID-19. Here’s some additional information that you should know.

In November, with the pandemic apparently subsiding in DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser eased the City’s indoor mask mandate. On December 20, with COVID-19 cases again on the rise, Mayor Bowser declared a new state of emergency and reinstated the mask requirement.  

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has issued an opinion in Jinks v. Credico (USA), LLC setting forth the appropriate standard governing joint employer liability under the Massachusetts Wage Act.

On December 17, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit dissolved the stay order that prohibited enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS).

On December 17, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued an Opinion lifting the stay of OSHA’s emergency temporary standard (ETS) requiring employers with 100 or more employees to implement mandatory COVID-19 vaccine or weekly testing policies for their employees.

Long-anticipated federal cannabis reform may be on the horizon. In the last month, bipartisan governors and groups from both bodies of Congress have established support for cannabis policies that would reshape federal enforcement and set the stage for further state legalization.

In this installment of the Five Questions, Five Answers podcast, Birgit Matthiesen and Leah Scarpelli highlight what businesses need to know about the rising tensions between Washington and Beijing.

Headlines that Matter for Companies and Executives in Regulated Industries

On December 6, 2021, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all private sector employers that employ more than one employee in New York City.

On December 7, 2021, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) filed proposed amendments to Illinois’ groundwater quality standards with the Illinois Pollution Control Board (Board).

The top U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Environmental official has put corporate employees on notice that DOJ is increasing its focus on prosecuting individuals for environmental crimes, including the threat of jail time.

Panorama view of the Woodrow Wilson Plaza

A combination of high debt, low interest rates, and supply and labor shortages has contributed to inflation. Some of this impact is the direct result of the COVID pandemic. COVID has also caused distress in certain vulnerable sectors. It appears that inflation and COVID may be here to stay, at least

In March, the Supreme Court addressed the test for specific personal jurisdiction in Ford Motor Co. v. Montana Eighth Judicial District Court.[1] The Court considered whether the test’s second prong — which requires that a plaintiff’s claims “arise out of or relate to” the defendant’s forum contacts