New York Intellectual Property Partner Marylee Jenkins and chairperson of the US Patent and Trademark Office’s Patent Public Advisory Committee, will chair its next public meeting on Thursday, May 3rd at the US Patent and Trademark Office in Arlington, Virginia.
Arent Fox Government Investigations & White Collar Partner Terree Bowers will speak at the 2018 Fidler Institute on Criminal Justice on a panel titled, “The Mueller Investigation and Political Corruption Cases.”
Arent Fox International Trade Practice Group Leader Kay Georgi will speak at the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s Seminar titled, “US Government Trade Control Seminar: ITAR&EAR Compliance & Enforcement.”
Arent Fox partners Pamela Deese and Matthew Wright will be speaking at the upcoming Society of Product Licensors Committed to Excellence Annual Summit on May 21 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
New York Intellectual Property Partner Marylee Jenkins will be having a “fireside chat” on “Hot Topics at the Patent Office” with the US Patent and Trademark Office’s Patent Commissioner, Andrew Hirshfeld, during the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law’s 33rd Annual IPL Conference.
Arent Fox Health Care Associate Hillary Stemple will present an American Bar Association (ABA) webinar titled, “The Final 60-Day Overpayment Rule: Overview, Recent Developments, and What It Means for You and Your Clients.”
Arent Fox White Collar and Government Enforcement partner Robert Capers will speak at the OffshoreAlert North American conference on Financial Intelligence & Investigations hosted April 14-17 in Miami, Florida.
Government Relations partner Dan Renberg and International Trade associate Tony Rivera will speak on the topic, “NAFTA& Other US Free Trade Agreements,” at an International Credit Executives Group meeting in Milwaukee, WI.
Health Care Partner Douglas Grimm and Associate Hillary Stemple co-presented “Provider Compliance Programs and the Status of the ACA” at the National Capital Healthcare Executives’ (NCHE) evening event on February 20, 2018 in Arlington, VA.
Health Care partner Lowell Brown will be a presenter on the California Hospital Association (CHA) webinar titled “New Law and Updates for Physician Reporting.”
Karen Carr and Emily Leongini to Present at Q1’s Annual Food Labeling Conference. Arent Fox partner Karen Carr and associate Emily Leongini are scheduled to speak at the Q1 Productions’ 5th Annual Food Labeling Conference.
International Trade practice Group Leader Kay Georgi will speak at the 7th Industry Forum on US Export and Re-Export Compliance for Canadian Operations.
Arent Fox will host the reception for the New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA’s) Food, Drug & Cosmetic Law Section Annual Meeting on January 25th, 2018 in its New York office.
International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution partner Tim Feighery spoke on the topic of International Arbitration and Human Rights at the 2018 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law Symposium.