
4489 total results. Page 174 of 180.

Amy (Salomon) McFarland, Anthony V. Lupo
Craig Engle, Hunter T. Carter
Amy (Salomon) McFarland, Anthony V. Lupo
George P. Angelich
Elliott M. Kroll, James M. Westerlind, Julius A. Rousseau, III, Michael S. Cryan
Anthony V. Lupo, Luna M. Samman

As experienced members of the fashion industry can attest, trade matters such as duties and taxes, and other regulations can have a huge impact on global sales and sourcing decisions.

Nancy A. Noonan, Quana C. Jew, William R. Charyk

On June 26, 2013, the US Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Windsor struck down Section 3 of the federal law known as the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Craig Engle, Hunter T. Carter
Lowell C. Brown

Earlier this month, Arent Fox Health Care partner Lowell C. Brown published an article in Bloomberg BNA’s Health Law Reporter that provides an overview of ways hospitals, health systems, and provider groups can manage the noted uptick in disruptive practitioner behavior.