ArentFox Schiff Authors California Chapter in Delos Guide to Arbitration Places
ArentFox Schiff International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution Partners Lee M. Caplan and Timothy J. Feighery and Associate Jodi Tai authored the California Contribution to the Delos Guide to Arbitration Places (GAP), which is now available online.
The Delos GAP is an online, publicly available resource that offers a practical perspective on arbitrating disputes in various jurisdictions around the world. The GAP is designed to provide in-house counsel, corporate lawyers, and arbitration practitioners with an easily accessible roadmap of arbitration law and practice in the covered jurisdictions.
In the California chapter, AFS provides a general overview of the arbitration landscape in the state. The chapter includes, among other things, a summary of the legal framework of international commercial arbitration and domestic arbitration, the role of domestic courts, and recent updates on notable caselaw and legislation affecting arbitration in California.
For more information, please contact Lee M. Caplan, Jodi Tai, or the ArentFox Schiff attorney you regularly work with.
The entire 2024 Guide is available here.
About Delos Dispute Resolution
Delos is an independent arbitration institution established in 2014. Delos provides a holistic, award-winning, and innovative solution to conflict resolution, offering services from the proactive contract-drafting stage to the final issuance of an award in the case of arbitration. In response to global business demands for great predictability, efficiency, and effectiveness in arbitration, Delos was created to provide an innovative approach to commercial dispute resolution by combining quality with flexibility.
Courtney Thompson, Marketing Communications Manager
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