In BC Law School Magazine’s winter edition, author Chad Konecky recounts the story of two Chinese American scientists accused of espionage by the US government. Peter Zeidenberg, a partner in Arent Fox's White Collar & Investigations practice, represented the scientists in both cases.
New York attorneys Bill Tanenbaum and Randall Stempler published an article in Healthcare Business & Technology that explores how millennials view healthcare IT and more specifically, their concerns with the fragmented nature of medical online systems, and data security.
A recent Bloomberg BNA article in the Health Care Daily Report “Former Tenet Executive Indicted in $400M Medicaid Kickback Scheme” describes an ongoing prosecution against a health care industry ex-executive.
New York partner Michelle Marsh was recently quoted in an article by Inside Counsel that explores the trademark infringement lawsuits associated with the Oscars. 
The recent Bloomberg BNA article in both the Health Care Daily Report and Medicare Report “Health Fraud Rule Withdrawal May Hurt Enforcement Efforts” discussed how fraud enforcement efforts in the health care industry may be hindered by the Trump Administration.
Former Senator and Arent Fox Senior Policy Advisor Byron Dorgan (D-ND) spoke with Fox Business News along with former Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) on whether President Trump is on the right track in the early days of his Administration.
In an interview with Dope Magazine, Food and Drug associate Emily Leongini discusses how the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently responding to the proliferation of state-legalized cannabis and how that could impact the growing cannabis industry.
In an opinion article recently published by The Hill, former Senator and current Arent Fox Senior Policy Advisor Byron Dorgan described the steps that are necessary for the Democratic party to be successful in future elections.
Former Senator and Arent Fox Senior Policy Advisor Byron Dorgan spoke with MSNBC correspondent Kate Snow on Republican plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
In a recent feature, LawinSport asked leading sports lawyers to share their views on the top headlines and trends to follow in the sports industry in 2017.
The Morning Consult article “Firewall of Advisers May Insulate Trump From Administration’s Trade Supporters” discusses the three major trade-relations positions and the choices for each role in the incoming Trump Administration
Inside U.S. Trade recently discussed the creation of a National Trade Council by President-elect Trump in the article, “Analysts: Trump’s National Trade Council may spur cooperation, or new tensions.”
Health Care partner Linda Baumann was heavily quoted in several Bloomberg BNA publications on the outlook for health care fraud and abuse enforcement in 2017.
In Bloomberg BNA’s WTO Reporter article “Trump Committed to Promises on Trade Deals: Spokesman,” Trump transition team spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed that President-elect Trump remains committed to his campaign promises to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Arent Fox litigation partner James Hulme was a guest on C-SPAN on Monday, December 19 to talk about the recent calls to end the country’s reliance on the Electoral College when determining the outcome of US presidential elections and instead base results on the popular vote.
In the Morning Consult article “Republican Tax Overhaul Likely to Touch on Individual Provisions,” Republican plans to overhaul tax policies are discussed at length.
Litigation associate Kirsten Hart and FDA associate Emily Leongini co-wrote the article, “3 Issues Recreational Cannabis Entrepreneurs and Investors Will Face in California,” which was featured in the Los Angeles Business Journal.
In its year-end issue, LawinSport asks leadings sports lawyers in the US to share their insights on what was the biggest legal issue in US sports in 2016.
The Morning Consult article “Controversial Import Tax in GOP Plan Needed as Revenue Raiser” discusses a controversial provision on imports that would be needed to offset popular corporate tax reductions that Republican lawmakers are facing in their comprehensive tax reform plans for next year.
In the Politico article “Tillerson adds to Trump’s ethics headaches,” the ethics surrounding the nomination of Rex Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobile, to Secretary of State in the Trump Administration are discussed at length.
In the Bloomberg BNA article “House Expected to Move Tax Revamp First; Senate to Act Later,” President-elect Donald Trump’s tax policy is discussed at length.
Former US Senator and Arent Fox Senior Policy Advisor Byron Dorgan was interviewed on Fox Business News about the prospect of a government shutdown as the Congress was attempting to negotiate final legislation before they adjourned for the year. 
In an opinion article recently published in The Huffington Post, Arent Fox Senior Policy Advisor Senator Byron Dorgan comments on the choice President-elect Trump faces in normalizing or rolling back US diplomatic relations with Cuba.
Former Representative (R-PA) and Arent Fox Senior Government Relations Advisor Phil English was quoted in the article “Trump Win Gives China Keys to Asian Economic Integration” in the Financial Times.